World Famous Painting for Sale


Stalin - Hitler - Bormann - Molotov , The Hermitage Museum


A painting that has verifiably changed WORLD HISTORY,out of the collection one of the world's greatest museums, the Hermitage, or Stalin, that has fascinated the greatest political leaders of our time Stalin - Hitler - Bormann - MOLOTOW and which they have owned, is now for sale ! ! !



A tremendous contemporary document of the Stalin-Hitler age off the treasury of the Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg) ! ! !

Stalin took this valuable painting from The Hermitage in November 1940 and gave it to Molotov, who later in 1940 came to Germany with an entourage of 65 people and the painting and handed this valuable artwork over to Hitler, which displeased Hitler enough to then attack Russia.


Special features of the painting :


  1. It has inevitably changed WORLD HISTORY! (Attack on Russia ! ! !)
  2. From one of the world's greatest and most famous museums in Russia, The Hermitage (with stamps, see below)
  3. The greatest leaders of our time have possessed this painting (Stalin - Hitler - Bormann - Molotov - Hermitage)


Worldwide, there is hardly any contemprary document with higher importance and value ! ! !


A UNIQUE SENSATION and extremely valuable ! ! !


Value: Priceless ! ! ! Price basis for negotiation! Do you make to us an order?


Artistic Categorization and Description

Künstlerische Einordnung und Objektbeschreibung


Scene from the Old Testament: Tobias heals his blind Father

Szene aus dem alten Testament: Tobias heilt seinen blinden Vater



19th century

19 Jh.





:Örtliche Zuordnung


flax fabric on wedge frame

Flachsgewebe auf Keilrahmen


Painting Technique:

Oil painting



Paiting measures:

H: 52.8 cm; W: 66.2 cm

H: 52,8 cm; B: 66,2 cm


Decorative frame:

included, gold plated

vorhanden, vergoldet


Size of frame:

H: 63.8 cm; W: 77.5 cm

H: 63,8 cm B: 77,5 cm

:Maße des Rahmens

Canvas size:

H: 52.8 cm; W: 66.8 cm

H: 52,8 cm B: 66,8 cm



private, Austria, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Privat, Österreich , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Until 1940 exhibited in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg; in Nov. 1940 given to Hitler as a present from Stalin by Soviet foreign minister Molotow in Berlin; Martin Bormann secured the painting and handed it to a German submarine officer shortly before war's end, who in turn sold it in 1955 to a Swabian merchant. This merchant's heir owns it now.
Learn more about the painting's history from the world's foremost expert on the Third Reich, German historian Prof. Dr. Werner Maser: (German only.) Book Werner Maser, Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog Verlag, Munich 2004pp 192-198

Bis 1940 in der Eremitage im Museum in St. Petersburg ausgestellt; im Nov. 1940 als Geschenk Stalins an Hitler durch den sowjetischen Außenminister Molotow in Berlin überreicht; Martin Bormann ließ das Bild sicherstellen und übergab es kurz vor Kriegsende einem deutschen U-Boot-Offizier, der es seinerseits 1955 einem schwäbischen Kaufmann veräußerte. Ein Erbe dieses Kaufmanns besitzt es heute.
Mehr über die Geschichte des Gemäldes vom weltweit anerkannten Experten des Dritten Reiches, dem deutschen Historiker Prof. Dr. Werner Maser im

Buch Werner Maser, Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog Verlag, Munich 2004 pp. 192-198



Restored by Dörte Klatte of the "Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste" (state academy of visual arts), Stuttgart, Germany, "Institut der Technologie der Malerei" (institute for the technology of painting), between Oct. 2000 and Nov. 2002.

Restauriert durch Dörte Klatte,u.Herrn Dipl.Rest.Peter Vogel von der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Institut der Technologie der Malerei,unter der Leitung von Herrn Edgar Konrad zwischen Okt. 2000 und Nov. 2002


(Book) Buch Werner Maser, Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog Verlag, Munich 2004 pp. 192-198

Besucher: Heute 41 - Gesamt 206327